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You can hire us through the Upwork escrow platform*

Please thoroughly check my  2 Upwork profiles through which you may want to work with me:

Agency profile: Odoo Concept profile

Agency Chief Cunsultant’s profile: Juan Pablo Barragán profile

New to Upwork?

If you are registering on Upwork for the first time, you can use our invitation link. The invitation link allows me to avoid the commission that Upwork charges its freelancers on projects. Once you hire me, you have to notify me that you used the invitation link, in order to be entitled to a 10% discount on my hourly fees.

If you don’t have an Upwork account, please click on the following link: Invitation link

Implementation methodology

We need first to agree on the methodology. You need to go through the following document. Please read it thoroughly, and if you have some question, don’t hesitate to reach out.

You must read the:  Methodological document

Hire me for just one hour first 

If you are considering me for the project implementation you need first to hire the one-hour consultancy on how I apply my methodology. I don’t accept contracts with new clients, unless we get to know each other.  During this session, I will onboard you on all the issues you need to consider when starting an Odoo implementation.

Believe me, is much better to invest just $70.- right away than wasting hundreds of dollars if you do it the wrong way.

By hiring me for one hour, there will be no other commitment from your side or from my side. All you need to do is selectiong the Starter Tier ($70.- in this project link in Upwork:


Hire a one hour consultancy in Upwork

Hire me for the Implementation

After that session, if you still want to hire me for the implementation you need to create a project (hourly based) in Upwork in following link:

Create a new project in Upwork

Title:  Odoo Implementation
:  I want an Odoo implementation with Juan Pablo according to his methodology.

You will then attach to it my current version of the methodology as a pdf, and invite me to it in Upwork.

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